Wednesday, 24 February 2016

Merit evideince 2016 blog post 3 term 1

Bus to technology,

I was being a good role model by talking to the person next to me and not shouting to people across the bus. I was also sitting in my seat and not standing up. Things I need to work on is choosing the right people to sit with.

I talked about what I did not the weekends and what we did  at technology. On the way back from technology I sat will a different person. We were not talking loud in the bus. At school I said thanks to the bus driver for the ride.

Tuesday, 23 February 2016

merit evideince 2016 blog post 1 term 1

Makyla and I did  peer mediation at morning tea we begin by getting our vest on and the card. we looked around the places where there would mostly have arguments. we looked around room 1. we looked around the senior playground and the tree near the play ground.

Then on the field and in the little kids part we looked near the sand pit and on the music room deck we kept on looking around the school until the bell rang. I tried really hard not to smile and laugh like always do. when the bell rang we took of our vest and our card.