Sunday, 29 May 2016

My Short Story

communicate precise meaning related to the topic (Year ⅚)
Use basic punctuation that is mostly correct. This includes capital letters, full stops , commas, question marks, exclamation marks, apostrophes and speech marks. (Year ⅚)

The pieces of my writing that are highlighted green are where I have shown my vocabulary and punctuation goal

My Story...

Once there was a a 21 year old boy in the forest.The boys name is Anakin. He is all alone in the forest.He is felling sad because when he was young his family left him.Ever since he alone in the forest .He has no house .He has been looking for things to make his house out of.It was getting late so Anakin went under a big tree to sleep.

The next day Anakin was a wake.He got some vines for string and some bark for wood .Then Anakin was starting to make a hammer. When he was done he went to get somethings for the tree that he was under for the night.When Anakin got back to the tree he had some pieces of bark off a tree.

Anakin started to making a tree house. Anakin also had some vines to tie the wood with.His hammer is so sharp that in the big trunk of the tree he made a door .He started digging out the inside of the tree.

Suddenly a big noise crashed on the ground. Anakin did not know what it was. Until he saw smoke up in the air . So then he went to go look. Anakin won't forget where his tree is because Anakin's tree is the biggest tree and the tallest tree in the forest.

When he was strolling around Anakin saw a space ship in the ground. Suddenly the weather changes there is a storm coming.

The next day Anakin went to where the space ship is. The storm went away. At end Anakin looked in the space ship and then he lived happy every after since he found someone in the space ship he meet someone in the space ship and Anakin will never be alone ever again.The person in the space ship was a girl named Lucy she was not that shy.

Thursday, 26 May 2016

leader ship blog post tearm 2 post 6


On Thursdays at morning tea Makayla and I do peer mediation.

Today a morning tea Makayla and I did peer mediation . We started of with going around the places that there most likely to be a problem.

We went pass room one. From there we went down the path to the senior play ground . We looked in the senior play ground and we carried on down the field . Then we got to the junior part and looked around there.

Then we got back to class and we put the vest and the iPad away .Then the bell rang.

Tuesday, 24 May 2016

merit leadership blog post tearm 2 post 5


                          On Tuesdays the year 7/8's go to technology.

On the way to technology I was talking to the person next to me.

     I sat with Tatiana on the way there and on the way back.

I think the bus that I was in the noise level was ok . Because people were talking to people that were not beside them.

My next step is to...sit with different people on the way there and on the way back.

Monday, 2 May 2016

I can describe the structure of a Short Story

Something I have learned about the structure of short stories is:...there is always a problem and a way to fix them .

After reading some short stories two things I will remember when I write my own short story are ……make it entertaining and … have a interesting problem.